Weave a Basket Using Cat Tail Leaves

How To : Do the Kitchener Stitch (Grafting)

Here is how to join two sets of stitches without leaving a seam. This method is good for the toes of socks, the top of hoods, baby garments, or anywhere else you don't want a bulky seam.. It's NOT recommended for shoulder seams on heavy sweaters or other places where you need ...more

How To : Add Color on Circular Needles When Knitting

Adding color on circular needles is as easy, if not easier than adding color on a straight needle. You can use this method for knitting stripes or simply just changing from one color to another. Here's how to ADD COLOR ON A CIRCULAR NEEDLE. Take your new color and fold it ov ...more

Hack Logs and Linux Commands : What's Going On Here?

This morning, I received a message from a friend who was reading a hack log, and she had some questions about the commands used. This got me thinking, as Linux has a ton of commands and some can be archaic, yet useful. We are going to go over everything you need to know to rea ...more

How To : Knit a Little Purse

You'll be so glad to know how to KNIT THIS LITTLE PURSE. You'll want to make one for everyone you know. You can start and finish it in a little over an hour. You can knit it all one color and embellish it with buttons (see photo below) or you can make stripes (as on the video ...more

How To : Tie the Basket Weave decorative knot

In this tutorial, we learn how to tie the Basket Weave decorative knot. First, hook your string to a hook, then tie a loop that is wide. After this, bring the strings to the top and make a heart shape. Now, twist the two loops on the side and twist them around each other. Now, ...more

How To : Crochet a Christmas holiday tree

Place slip knot on hook. Hold yarn taut with 2 sets of 2 of fingers placed about 1½” apart, with tail in other hand. Create loop that crosses over bottom of 1st strand with loop toward right side. Fold loop over main strand going past tail. Insert hook below at tail strand. Pu ...more

How To : Bind Off Ribbing

Now that you have learned how to knit ribbing, you will have to know how to bind off ribbing. If you have knitted something that needs to have a stretch to it, such as socks or a neck, this is a very important technique to know. Here are the instructions for binding off ribbi ...more

How To : Hack SAML Single Sign-on with Burp Suite

Single sign-on (SSO) lets users login across different sites without having to manage multiple accounts. I'm sure most of us appreciate the convenience of seeing "Sign in with …" buttons that let us login with a single username. Hackers, however, see a possible avenue for expl ...more

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