What Foods Make You Horny

How To : Feel Alive Again with Maca Root

I'm sure I'm not the only one on here that has googled "Why am I always tired?"... and I'm definitely not alone when I say that all of the advice I've found so far is useless: Go to bed early. (Wow, you think?) Don't skip meals. (Real talk: if I skip meals, it's under extreme ...more

How To : Clone Shake Shack's Bacon CheddarShack Burger

Most people I've talked to agree that Shake Shack has mastered the upscale, fast food hamburger quite well. So when a new burger comes out on the ultra-popular fast food chain's menu, you've got to take notice—even if you live nowhere near one. Their latest creation, the Baco ...more

How To : Frito Pie Is Sinfully Delicious—& Easy to Make

Though the word "pie" may conjure up images of a dessert made of dough with various fillings, the famous Frito Pie is, in fact, something of an entirely different nature. Absurdly simple in its construction, this pile of Fritos and chili is served in the actual chip bag and mo ...more

News : How Spam Went from Hated Ration to Cult Classic

Whether you simply can't stand it or consider it a separate food group (or not food at all), there's no denying that Spam is everywhere. America's favorite canned mystery meat got its humble beginning in Minnesota, but is now used in dishes and found in homes around the globe. ...more

How To : Save Time & Money with These One-Pot Meals All Week

Dinner is meant to be enjoyed after a long day away from home—it shouldn't cause stress or fuss. But for many, that's exactly what a home-cooked meal represents, especially on a work night. The prep work, the steps involved in following the recipe, the numerous amount of bowls ...more

How To : I Love Puff Pastry. Here’s Why You Should, Too

I always have several sheets of puff pastry in my freezer. It's unlike any other pastry dough: the layers of butter let out steam when the dough bakes (hence, the "puff" in puff pastry). The dough's flakiness perfectly compliments sweet and savory dishes, which makes it a tota ...more

How To : 7 Ways to Make Your Own Cold Packs at Home

Having a store-bought cold pack on the ready is the perfect solution for minor bumps, bruises, sprains, and strains, but why spend money on bright blue ice packs when you can make your own right at home? These homemade cold compresses will give your the same level of pain rel ...more

How To : Make Halloween Brownie Cake Pops

Tired of the same old brownies? Instead of just making brownies, why not kick up the creativity a notch and make some halloween themed brownie pops. They are really easy to make, and sure to impress your family and friends. Not too mention they are delicious! Enjoy! Follow the ...more

How To : 3 Easy Methods for Making Gourmet Chips at Home

As the days get shorter and the weather cools down, I prepare to "hibernate." I add piles of blankets to my bed, wrap myself in layers of flannel, and—most importantly—eat as if I'm storing energy for winter. One of my favorite parts of my hibernation diet includes chips—home ...more

How To : Why You Should Be Making Your Own Spices at Home

In my opinion, spices are the key to a successful kitchen. With a healthy array of spices and spice mixes, you have the foundation for nearly any dish that you want to make; the culinary world is your oyster. With a depleted cupboard of spices, however, nearly every recipe loo ...more

How To : Cook Peaches on the Coals

For those who like grilling fruit and desserts in general, we take it up a notch with this great video tutorial that shows you how to make a great dish from cooking Peaches directly on hot coals. In this recipe, rather than halving the fruit first and making that familiar cha ...more

How To : Make Your Own DIY Leaf Skeleton

Making your own leaf skeleton is a fun, DIY project where you strip green leaves of their outer coating and tissue, leaving behind the "skeleton" of delicate veins underneath. Leaf skeletons can then be used as framed art pieces, or delicate decor for homemade cards or ornamen ...more

How To : Make Homemade Jerky Without a Dehydrator

Jerky is one of the tastiest snacks in existence. It's packed with richness, saltiness, and spiciness, and it's one of those things that you can't stop eating once you start. It's also fairly expensive, unless you're opting for the gas station variety which is… er… jerky in th ...more

How To : 10 Clever Ways to Cook Out Without a Grill

Whether it's the start, middle, or end of summer, it's prime-time grilling season. If you find yourself without a grill, however, it may seem as if half your summer plans of swimming by the pool while stuffing hot dogs in your face could be ruined. But have no fear as all is ...more

How To : Organize Your Fridge More Efficiently

The fridge is the heart of the kitchen; take it away, and the whole operation falls apart. Yet, despite this, the fridge is also one of the most overlooked appliances in any kitchen. Most people organize their drawers and shelves for maximum efficiency, while many others buy i ...more

How To : Plate Food Like a Pro

We are visual animals. So when it comes to food, presentation is everything. In deciding what to eat, certain colors and textures instantly turn us off or on. Think of runny sautéed spinach versus a salad of fresh vibrant spinach. Which one would you reach for first? Restaura ...more

How To : Make DIY Rock Candy at Home

Not to be confused with Pop Rocks, rock candy, which is large chunks of crystallized sugar, is a wonderfully simple snack in and of itself, and can be used to dissolve in tea or coffee as well as on top of other desserts. As far as making your own Pops Rock candy goes, it is ...more

How To : 17 Foods That Suppress Your Appetite

Smell some mint leaves or drink peppermint tea the next time you feel the urge to snack on unhealthy junk food or overindulge during a meal. Studies have shown that the scent and flavor of mint and peppermint leaves are known for suppressing your appetite and making you feel l ...more

How To : Make Blueberry Cheesecake

Cheesecake is pretty awesome. It's super versatile, allowing you to change crust bases and toppings quite dramatically and still end up with something that's elegant and delicious. Which is why it's a great dish to add to your dessert repertoire! There are a number of approach ...more

News : Use Blood for Pancakes, Sausages, Desserts & More

Cooking with animal blood is as old as civilization itself. I promise that your ancient ancestors, no matter where you're from, didn't have the luxury of throwing away any part of the animal, including the very lifeblood that used to run through it. Animal blood, along with ev ...more

How To : Make a DIY Bouncy Ball

If you ever want to make your own bouncy ball, all you need are basic white glue, borax, food coloring, cornstarch, and water. Simply combine warm water, cornstarch, and borax together in one bowl, and in a separate bowl mix together white glue and food coloring. Pour the fir ...more

Weird Ingredient Wednesday : Cook with Lapsang Souchong Tea

Like cigars and whiskey, Lapsang Souchong tea is an acquired taste. Some people never get over the pungent, tarry flavor and intense smell of the beverage, but using it as a rub, marinade, or other seasoning is totally smart. The tea adds a smoky yet not overwhelming flavor to ...more

How To : Store Thanksgiving Leftovers for Maximum Longevity

By now, you've stuffed yourself with enough cranberry-soaked turkey to last you until next year. Still, there's a formidable amount of leftovers, and you're kidding yourself if you think you won't be craving them when you wake up tomorrow with a food coma/hangover. So, make t ...more

Food Tool Friday : Make Fast Espresso on the Go

Coffee lovers take their beverage of choice seriously. Some even go out of their way to find their own kopi luwak (cat poop coffee) just to see if it lives up to all the hype. While you may not be that adventurous, chances are you'd love a gadget that created a delicious shot ...more

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