What Not to Do on a Interview

News : It's Not an Interview, It's a Sales Pitch

One of the common mistakes I see a lot of candidates make when they go to an interview is that they think it is a question and answer session. They approach the interview with a mindset that their role is to be prepared to answer a bevy of questions thrown at them. This puts y ...more

How To : Tie a half windsor knot for a job interview

Need to know how to tie a necktie for a fancy job interview? Prefer that your knot not be too bulky? Try an old standby—the half Windsor knot (sometimes referred to as the "double" Windsor). This video tutorial presents a careful, slow-motion overview of the knot tying process ...more

How To : Tie a necktie with the half-Windsor knot

Need to know how to tie a necktie for a formal event like a wedding or fancy job interview? Prefer that your knot not be too bulky? Try an old standby—the half Windsor knot (sometimes referred to as the "double" Windsor). This video tutorial presents a careful, slow-motion ove ...more

How To : Do Well on Your First Job Interview (For Students)

I know there are many students going for their first job that are new to the whole interview process. This is why I’m writing this article—to provide some tips on making your first interview experience simpler and hopefully successful. I’m currently in a university, but I had ...more

How To : Do Lady Gaga's pink and black lightning bolt look

Lady Gaga is the queen of shock, and what better way to jolt the public than with a literal lightning bolt? Lady Gaga seldom repeats a look, but she's stood by her favorites, including a Minnie Mouse inspired hair bow and the black and pink lightning bolt look presented in thi ...more

How To : Improve your resume with valid statistics

In this video, we learn how to improve your resume with valid statistics. You need solid numbers to back up the information you are writing on your resume, not just words written on the paper. Most applicants look qualified on paper, but don't land interviews because they don' ...more

How To : Start using BoinxTV with this overview

See how to start using BoinxTV with this overview video. Learn the basics of BoinxTV and see how to turn any modern Macintosh computer into a television studio! BoinxTV, from Boinx Software, turns your Mac into a TV studio for creating Live to Disk, Live to Internet, and Live ...more

How To : Create a matte orange eyeshadow makeup look

Lauren, AKA QueenofBlendingMUA has joined the ranks with the other YouTube makeup gurus. Lauren is a makeup artist with a large collection of eye makeup video tutorials. Her eye makeup look span from everyday makeup to creative, more expressive party looks. Check out this make ...more

How To : Dominate the New York Times Crossword Puzzle

First off, don't be frustrated. YOU CAN DO IT! Contrary to the message in the image above, it's NOT over. It's just beginning. And when it comes to solving the New York Times crossword puzzle, the old cliche does apply: practice makes perfect. I've read quite a few books and ...more

How To : Not answer the "Tell me about myself" question

Everyone's faced the dreaded "Tell me about yourself" question in a job interview and it's also probably a common thing to freeze up and not know what to say. In this video courtesy of Denham, learn how NOT to answer this question in an interview and how to get the job you want!

How To : Not answer the "How do you stay current?" question

In this tutorial, we learn how to not answer the "How do you stay current?" question. When you are asked this question on an interview, it's important to know how to answer it without looking crazy. To answer this correctly, do not answer what you "want" to do, employers are n ...more

How To : Not answer "Share a goal you set for yourself"

This video explains how to not answer an interview question from a potential employer. The question is "Share a goal you set for yourself." The interviewee answered the question incorrectly. She avoided answering the question by describing goals that she set for her employees ...more

How To : Not answer "How do you manage stress?"

This video teaches how to not answer the question "How do you manage stress?" The woman is interviewing for a journalism position. She begins her response by saying that she reads comic books that talk about being laid back. The video points out that you need to stay professio ...more

Otherworldly : Optical Delusions and Small Realities

Last week in New York, I saw the new show Otherworldly: Optical Delusions and Small Realities at the Museum of Arts and Design, at Columbus Circle near the edge of Central Park, between Broadway and Eighth. Below is the museum’s description of the show: “Otherworldly: Optical ...more

News : Do the Do!

We are embarking upon a new year. As usual, some of us will make "resolutions." There isn't anything wrong with setting goals for the year. It's actually a good idea. It may help focus the energy we bring to life. A karateka may be excused if he or she makes only one resolutio ...more

News : Some of the Few Interviews of Bonham

There weren't many interviews with Bonham in them but here is one of the few, just as Zeppelin is hitting their peek. Here is another one of just Bonham, he remains very modest but there's also a side of him that sort of knows he the best. Here's some more sweet Bonham videos, ...more

How To : Dress for a bank job interview

Wall Street job candidates give advice on what to wear to a bank interview and where to shop. Would you use these tips for an electrician's interview? Probably not. But, why not?

News : The one honest video game reviewer

About a decade ago, Deus Ex came out to rave reviews. Except this guy Tom Chick hated it. And said so, in a pretty blunt manner. "The most severe problem with Deus Ex is the AI. There isn't one. Instead there are a few canned responses in the game's enemies. If you attack a c ...more

News : Interview #2

I was able to interview another counselor. I was able to gather some of his opinion on stress. The following are the response I gather. Alejandro, Jessica Advisor Jessica Davis 19 February 2012 English 4 Javier Donaboe Therapist 1) Is stress different between teens and ...more

News : Students Exploring the Branches of Government

Our class had been assigned interviews with political representatives from different branches. In these interviews we asked questions that we had generated about their career position, advice to young activists, our government system, getting involved, and their opinion on cer ...more

News : Interview #3

The following are the response I gather from a therapist (is her opinion). Alejandro, Jessica Advisor Jessica Davis 19 February 2012 English 4 Ema Moya (Bilingual FSP Coordinator/Therapist) 1) Is stress different between teens and adults? Yes, Adults are more focus with ...more

How To : How Do You Handle Payroll?

There is a difference between what is possible, what should be done and what an owner manager may want to do. Decide how you want to handle payroll then determine if your desires and best practices are in agreement. Before I point out the decisions that need to be made, let me ...more

Tweens 'n' Teens : Charlie St. Cloud

Hey editor Mike here from thesubstream and I would like to welcome our newest contributor to the site, our tweens 'n' teens cinema specialist, my little sister Amanda. We're going to make her go watch all the movies that we don't want to see ourselves and then make her tell us ...more

How To : Ask a guy out

It's a notoriously preconceived notion that a man has to ask the woman out. But why can it not work both ways? It does, and it's the best way to bag the man of your dreams, especially if he's the shy type. If you're tired of waiting for your prince to appear with a Manolo Blah ...more

News : Complete List of SCRABBLE Commercials (VIDEO)

The SCRABBLE Brand trademark has been around since 1948, but video advertisements for the popular board game didn't appear until the start of this millennium. Although there may be a few SCRABBLE video spots out there that predate 2000, I haven't come across them. Aside from ...more

Kick Ass Game Review Part 1 : Background and Voice Talent

Kick Ass Game Review Part 1: Background & Voice Talent There are three parties involved in bringing you The Kick Ass Game: - Wha Entertainment (Publisher) - Marv Entertainment (Role unknown) - Frozen Codebase (Indie Developer) Wha Entertainment is owned by Howard Horowitz. H ...more

News : Has SimCity Been Destroyed for Good?

Yesterday, Electronic Arts had a nice sale on Steam for 40-60 percent off some of their Sims titles, which included The Sims 3 (along with its DLCs) and SimCity 4. I've never been a big Sims fan, especially with the slew of virtual people games in the last decade, so I didn't ...more

Book Review : Little Brother by Cory Doctorow

Note: Little Brother is available as a free ebook download. Warnings I read Boing Boing a lot, which means that I know just about everything about Cory Doctorow's politics and opinions. So, knowing his politics definitely colors my perceptions of this novel. My review will i ...more

News : 1,200 Hot Wheels in Perpetual (NOISY) Motion

Chris Burden's latest piece is a portrait of L.A.'s hot mess of traffic, entitled Metropolis II. The artist has constructed a miniature highway system, complete with 1,200 custom-designed cars, 18 lanes, 13 toy trains and tracks, and a landscape of buildings made with wood blo ...more

Kick Ass at Farmville : Tips and Tricks of Farming Masters

Take some tips from the masters themselves. Kotaku interviews game developer Zynga, "who has generously offered to help, by sharing FarmVille strategy tips on how to make the most of your land, your crops, and your livestock". 13 Steps to Mastering FarmVille: Make The Most O ...more

News : Indie Developer Fights Pirates with Piracy

No Time To Explain is the first game by two man indie developer tiny Build Games. It's a fun and very stylish platformer in it's own right, available for $10 from the tiny Build website. Articles about the game on RockPaperShotgun, Destructoid, and other prominent PC sites hel ...more

How To : Write the Action Adventure Screenplay - Act one

Hey everybody, This feed is about the traditional three act structure when writing an action/adventure story or screenplay. Act I "The Setup" Act 1 is a great time to begin throwing out a lot of foreshadowing. For many films, once you watch a few times the same film over an ...more

Playboy Joins 21st Century : Tits in 3D

Centerfold Hope Dworaczyk Will Jump Off Page Via AP CHICAGO — Playboy readers who can only imagine what it would look like if a centerfold jumped right off the page are getting new specs to help them see into Hef's world. The magazine's June edition hits newsstands Friday e ...more

How To : Communicate your strengths in a job interview

You know this is the job for you. Here’s how to convince the person doing the hiring. Learn how to do well in a job interview. You Will Need * A job interview * A few job skills * Some good qualities * A thesaurus * Time to prepare Step 1: List your strengths Determine what ...more

How To : Write a Press Release

A press release should be about news. It should have a sense of urgency about it and grab the reader’s attention from the outset. A good press release must quickly answer the journalist’s immediate questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? The release should ideally conta ...more

Jason Russel : A Dissappointment

Holy hell have you believers just been PWND! Seriously, you have. Why, you say? Well haven't you heard the news? Of course not, I'm pretty sure you don't, since you believe in KONY 2012. Oh yeah. Let me hold on to the suspense for just a minute. In my earlier blog post, I des ...more

News : Choosing a 3D Animation School

Animation Training: In terms of training, few actually get the "right" training. They go to a crash course program like Mesmer f/x (which teaches you about brand X software in 3 short weeks), put together a rather weak demo reel in the same timeframe, and then hit the streets ...more

News : Your House is on Fire

How do we really come to the decisions that we make? Is it just flip a coin and hope for the best or is there some underlying procedure that we go through, consciously or unconsciously, that guides our course of action? Gary Klein is the author of "Sources of Power: Real Life ...more

Dungeon Defenders : Heaven for Hardcore Gamers

Dungeon Defenders is the most exciting craft game on the Fall 2011 release schedule. I got a chance to play it at PAX in August and interviewed developers Trendy Entertainment last month. After more than a year of publishing difficulty and delay, the game finally came out on P ...more

BladeCraft : Bladerunner Recreated in Minecraft

Two wonderful, wonderful things converge! Minecraft Forum's rushone2009 introduces the Bladecraft Project, a melding of Blade Runner and Minecraft. The current texture pack and map downloads contain no adventure or goal, just exploring and discovering movie references. Downloa ...more

How To : The Official Google+ Insider's Guide Index

Welcome to the Google+ Insider's Guide to all things Google+. We're dedicated to keeping you updated with all the latest news, tips and tricks on Google+, and this official index will serve as a one-stop catalog of all our How-To articles, as well as all the news & updates we' ...more

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