Write a Argument Essay

How To : Make a Simple UDP_Flooder in C pt2

Alright so last time I gave you a homework assignment. This week we're gonna look at my version of the UDP-Flooder. It can be found here. Alright, I assume you've written yours or at least attempted to. First let's take a look at the struct used in this program struct sock ...more

How To : Security-Oriented C Tutorial 0x01 - Hello, World!

Welcome back, reader! In this tutorial, we will be covering our first program! So let's get to it. We all know the unspoken tradition of the first program when learning a language and of course, here we will respect and complete it. Fire up your favorite text editor (be it vi ...more

Hacking macOS : How to Hack a MacBook with One Ruby Command

With just one line of Ruby code embedded into a fake PDF, a hacker can remotely control any Mac computer from anywhere in the world. Creating the command is the easy part, but getting the target to open the code is where a hacker will need to get creative. Ruby is just one wa ...more

How to Train Your Python : Part 17, Introduction to Classes

Welcome back everyone! In the last training session we covered basic file input and output. We're going to leave this topic for a bit and start on something that will change the way we write scripts, classes. A class is basically an object. It's something that we can make att ...more

How to : Scripting with Python - A Backup A Day..

Welcome, in this tutorial we shall we looking at creating a safe(r) way to back up your important files. The contents we will be covering are as follows; Creating a partition Updating the /etc/fstab file Mounting a file system with Python Copying the contents of a file system ...more

News : Can We Hack the Hackers?

Welcome back, my rookie hackers! For some time now, I have been contemplating this issue, can we hack back the hackers? As someone who plays on both sides of the cyber security ping pong match, I've wondered whether I can use my hacking skills in self-defense of my clients. A ...more

SPLOIT : How to Make an SSH Brute-Forcer in Python

NOTICE: Ciuffy will be answering questions related to my articles on my behalf as I am very busy. Hope You Have Fun !!! As much as I love other SSH bruteforcing tools like Ncrack, Metasploit, THC-Hydra, ... ( Just to mention a few ). I prefer using my own script. The tools ab ...more

End of the Century : The Fin De Siecle's Role in Steampunk

With the new year right around the corner, it's time to talk about the end of the 19th century, a time which plays an enormous role in Steampunk. If you've done any reading of British books written from about 1890 to 1899, you may have come across the phrase 'fin de siecle' an ...more

How To : Hack Wi-Fi Networks with Bettercap

There are many tools out there for Wi-Fi hacking, but few are as integrated and well-rounded as Bettercap. Thanks to an impressively simple interface that works even over SSH, it's easy to access many of the most powerful Wi-Fi attacks available from anywhere. To capture hands ...more

How To : Tactical Nmap for Beginner Network Reconnaissance

When it comes to attacking devices on a network, you can't hit what you can't see. Nmap gives you the ability to explore any devices connected to a network, finding information like the operating system a device is running and which applications are listening on open ports. Th ...more

How To : Get Through a Pregnancy

I am writing this to first pregnant moms. I am 25 weeks along and I have some advice as to getting through an uncomfortable pregnancy. Step 1: Sleep I am 25 weeks along with my first baby and the biggest thing that I have learned in order to have an easier pregnancy is to sl ...more

How To : Analyze Wi-Fi Data Captures with Jupyter Notebook

When it comes to sniffing Wi-Fi, Wireshark is cross-platform and capable of capturing vast amounts of data. Making sense of that data is another task entirely. That's where Jupyter Notebook comes in. It can help analyze Wi-Fi packets and determine which networks a particular p ...more

News : This Is Why All Augmented Reality Startups Suck

People fundamentally distrust magicians. And they should. The illusions they proffer are just that, illusions meant to astound rather than tangible interactions and results that have weight and meaning in our real world. Our lizard brains know this, and, no matter what the out ...more

How To : Inject Coinhive Miners into Public Wi-Fi Hotspots

Coinhive, a JavaScript cryptocurrency miner, was reportedly discovered on the BlackBerry Mobile website. It was placed there by hackers who exploited a vulnerability in the site's e-commerce software that allowed them to anonymously mine cryptocurrency every time the website w ...more

How To : Use SELinux Targeted Policy to Secure Your Hosts

Hackers often rely on lazy system admins and unpatched vulnerabilities to get access to a host. Keeping intruders off of our machines requires us to update daily, only run the services we need, and read the code, among other things, but we can still make mistakes. Luckily for ...more

How To : Fuzz Parameters, Directories & More with Ffuf

The art of fuzzing is a vital skill for any penetration tester or hacker to possess. The faster you fuzz, and the more efficiently you are at doing it, the closer you come to achieving your goal, whether that means finding a valid bug or discovering an initial attack vector. A ...more

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