
How To : Use XMLSpy for XML editing

Altova XMLSpy 2007 includes powerful viewing and editing tools that simplify the creation and editing of XML documents for your markup languages. This video will show you the general rules on how to use XMLSpy for XML programming.

How To : Use the Graphical WSDL editor in XMLSpy

If you want to do some easy XML editing, then this markup language video is the one to watch, for XMLSpy. The graphical WSDL editor allows developers to design the interface for Web Services in an intuitive manner.

How To : Edit, debug, and execute XQuery with XMLSpy

Learn in this video how to use XMLSpy to create and edit XQuery documents, debug them and profile execution speed and bottlenecks, and execute them against local XML data or XML stored on a database server. XML editing can't get easier then this.

How To : Work with the XML Schema editor in XMLSpy

Need to do some markup language with some XML editing? Well, check out this video on working with the XML Schema in XMLSpy. Altova XMLSpy 2007 includes a Schema/WSDL View that allows you to create schemas graphically. This way, you can focus on the semantics of your schema wh ...more

How To : Use the SOAP Client and Debugger in XMLSpy

Need to debug some exisiting net services? Well, check this video out for how to do some basic XML editing in XMLSpy. Test new web services and debug existing web services with the universal SOAP client and debugger in XMLSpy.

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