Yoga Seal Pose

How To : Do the challenging pigeon yoga pose

Learn how to do the pigeon pose designed for strengthening and opening the back. You will learn Kapotasana, or pigeon pose, Kapotasana is one of the more intense and challenging backbends taught, but if you learn to practice properly, it doesn't have to be unpleasant to learn. ...more

How To : Do the backbend yoga pose

Backbends shouldn't really be called "backbends", but instead "full body bends" because they involved so much more than just your back. All on its own, your spine has a pretty impressive range of motion, but in order to do a deep backbend, all the muscles and connective tissue ...more

How To : Balance your arms with the hummingbird yoga pose

Hummingbirds are very graceful and balanced when they are flying around. You too can be well balanced and graceful. This how to video demonstrates how to do the hummingbird pose for yoga. Although this arm balancing pose looks super difficult, here's an easy way to get into it ...more

How To : Practice the backpack yoga pose with a partner

Who says yoga is done on an individual basis, try this yoga pose with a partner. Watch this how to video and learn how to do a backpack pose. The backpack pose is a great way to stretch your back and lower body. This is a fun thing to do with a friend to stretch out your spine ...more

How To : Do a forward flying yoga pose with a partner

Partner Yoga is a unique physical and spiritual practice which combines powerful techniques and exercises from yoga. Partner yoga uses poses (asanas) to focus the mind and increase strength, stamina and flexibility. The poses are combined with breathing techniques (prananyams) ...more

How To : Do a flying whale yoga pose with a partner

Partner Yoga is a unique physical and spiritual practice which combines powerful techniques and exercises from yoga. Partner yoga uses poses (asanas) to focus the mind and increase strength, stamina and flexibility. The poses are combined with breathing techniques (prananyams) ...more

How To : Do a one legged crow yoga pose

This quick how-to video yoga tutorial demonstrates how to do eka pada bakasana. Eka pada bakasana is more commonly known as a one legged crow pose. Watch and learn the basics of this ancient yoga posture.

How To : Practice the yoga lotus pose

This video breaks down what it takes to get a deep, comfortable lotus yoga pose. Most people give up on ever doing a proper lotus, but the with right poses, done with patience and consistency, you will get there. Good luck!

How To : Do an up dog pose for yoga beginners

If you're planning to become a veteran yogini, you'd better start practicing and loving the up dog pose now, because you'll be spending the greater part of your yoga flow doing up dogs and down dogs. The up dog targets the muscles of your upper and lower back as well as your ...more

How To : Do the yoga triangle pose (trikonasana)

Yoga's triangle pose, or trikonasana, is a side angle pose with possible variations that involves a wide stance and a twist. Learn elements of the yoga triangle pose from an instructor in this free yoga video series. Part 1 of 16 - How to Do the yoga triangle pose (trikonasana ...more

How To : Do a yoga triangle pose brings you Yoga for Dummies. Learn how to do a Yoga triangle pose. A yoga triangle pose can be inverted or extended. These beginner instructions stretch hips and spine during this standing pose. Trikonasana is an ancient yoga posture and the steps in this video he ...more

How To : Stretch the neck with a yoga cobra pose

In this yoga how to video Kira Ryder plays with investigating stretching and turning the neck while in cobra pose. Use the cobra pose to explore and wiggle into the postures and find new ways of being in them. Watch and learn how to stretch and relieve neck tension with this c ...more

How To : Practice the yoga camel pose on a medicine ball

Yoga offers great exercises that help stretch your entire body. One particular pose that is especially helpful for stretching your back is the camel pose. If it is too extreme for your back try using a medicine ball. This yoga how-to video tutorial demonstrates how to use an e ...more

How To : Apply tadasana to yoga triangle pose (trikonasana)

This how-to video tutorial looks at the effects of Tadasana (the mountain) on some simple and well known yoga poses like triangle pose. The foundation of a tree is its roots therefore bring awareness to the feet first in this yoga pose. The same force should be present in bot ...more

How To : Assume the correct dancer's pose in yoga

In this video, expert yoga teacher Kay Bray shows you how to correctly assume what's called a dancer's pose when practicing yoga. This pose will not only help improve your balance, it will also help focus, strengthen and extend your body.

How To : Practice the basic yoga crow pose

Dina invites you to explore your wild side with the yoga crow pose. She demonstrates crow pose for beginners and for those a little more advanced. Strengthen your upper body and your core.

How To : Do the yoga bow pose

The Bow Position is a devotional pose and can relieve back pain. Learn how to do the Bow Pose in this yoga video lesson. Take action: get into plank position, bow knees, bow chest, bow hands, and bow chin. Cindy Mastry, the instructor of this how-to video, has practiced yoga s ...more

How To : Practice the yin yoga butterfly pose

Learn a few yin yoga poses from a professional. Watch this Yoga How-to video to learn how to do the butterfly pose. This popular pose is also known as the baddha konasana. Open up your hip muscles and lengthen your back with yin yoga by practicing the butterfly pose.

How To : Deepen your yoga pigeon pose

In this tutorial, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a stretchy pigeon yoga pose. Make sure you properly warm up your body before attempting to do this pose. First, start off in a pigeon pose with your front foot as far forward as you can place it. Keep your back toes tucked unde ...more

How To : Perform a yoga pigeon pose safely

To perform the pigeon pose in yoga safely, you will need the following: a mat, a small pillow or folded blanket, and a strap. Transition into this pose. You can start with either leg forward, because you will need to switch and repeat this pose for your other side, in order t ...more

How To : Do a yoga boat pose with a twist for power

In this tutorial, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga boat pose with a twist for power. First, begin in a boat pose raising your legs up and facing forward. Interlace your hands together and inhale. Exhale and twist to the left and right side while pushing your legs forward ...more

How To : Do the Bakasana pose in yoga

In this tutorial, we learn how to do the Bakasana pose in yoga. First, take a deep breath and crouch down on your feet. Now, keep deep breathing and bring your arms out in front of you. Lean forward, and place all of your weight on your hands. After this, lift your feet up off ...more

How To : Do a yoga boat pose with a twist

In this tutorial, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga boat pose with a twist. First, start off with your knees bent and take your knees up so your shins are parallel to the floor. Now, interlace your fingers and push your arms straight out in the air. As you inhale, twist y ...more

How To : Do a yoga crane pose for arm and core strength

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga crane pose for arm and core strength. First, start off with your knees bent and your arms out in front of you. Now bend your elbows and place your back legs into your arms. Now, balance on your arms and push your legs into ...more

How To : Master the Warrior 3 pose in yoga

Practicing yoga has many known health benefits, and this video shows you how to master what is called the Warrior 3 pose. This pose teaches you how to engage all your body's muscles for the purposes of improving your balance.

How To : Practice the yoga dancer pose

Patrick and Yoga Garden teacher Kumiko Minagawa take a look at one of the most recognizable poses, Natarajasana or the dancer pose. Watch this video and practice your alignment in the dancer pose.

How To : Do bakasana or crane pose for yoga

The Crane pose is one of the easiest arm balance postures to perform. Place the hands on the mat in front of you. Bend the elbows out a little and place the inside of the knees or upper thighs on top of the triceps (the outer upper arms). Watch this how to video tutorial to se ...more

How To : Do a prenatal yoga pigeon pose

If you have discomfort in the lower back and buttocks, then the pigeon pose is for you! Learn how to release that tension by folding into a comforting pigeon pose.

How To : Do the splits using the yoga Monkey pose

Splits are easy when you're a little kid and flexibility is your friend. But joints and muscles naturally stiffen as you get older, making extreme stretching - including splits - increasingly difficult. You also get jipped of that wonderful hyperactive playtime called recess, ...more

How To : Do a yoga triangle pose with tips on proper form

Dina Prioste shows us how to do a triangle pose in this tutorial. Start in a wide stance, turn your back foot in and take your arms out wide with both legs straight. As you exhale reach towards the end of the mat on the right side and reach your arm down as far as you can. Now ...more

How To : Do the eagle pose in yoga for better posture

Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Shifting your weight to one leg, bend your knee while slightly lifting your other leg off the ground. Maintain balance by holding both of your arms straight out to the sides of your body, parallel to the floor. Pick your free leg up and ...more

How To : Practice baby cobra pose for yoga beginners

This fitness how to video demonstrates beginners level cobra poses. Standing poses along with cobra poses are great for opening the muscles in the lower body. Boost your energy level in the morning with a sun salutation that incorporates the cobra pose. COBRA POSE Lie flat on ...more

How To : Perform a yoga tripod headstand pose

Perfecting the right headstand pose in yoga can be a complicated process. You need to be sure that you are practicing the right procedures before you accomplish the headstand so that you do not hurt yourself and so that you can hold the yoga pose for the full duration. This se ...more

How To : Practice the yoga yin pigeon pose

Learn a few yoga poses from a professional. Watch this Yoga How-to video to learn how to do the pigeon pose. This popular yoga pose is also known as the swan pose. Open up your hip muscles with yoga by practicing the yin pigeon pose.

How To : Perform a crow pose in Vinyasa yoga

With this free two-part video yoga lesson from Manhattan yogi extraordinaire Sadie Nardini, you'll learn how to get into a simple crow pose while minimizing fear and maximizing success. The key, it seems, is to focus on your foundation and then squeeze into your core. Part 1 o ...more

How To : Get tips for a modified yoga downward dog pose

This how to video gives helpful tips on how to manage the downward dog. Downward dog can be a challenging yoga position, but with the tips of this video you will be able to master it in no time. This yoga pose is great for stretching your arms and back.

How To : Do a yoga extended puppy pose for an easy stretch

For the first version of the yoga extended puppy pose, kneel down on the floor while extending your arms towards a chair or a sofa placed in front of you. Stretch out your arms gently. Keep your back straight and then gently lift it up. Repeat these steps over and over yet gen ...more

How To : Practice the double pigeon pose in yin yoga

Learn a few yoga poses from a professional. Watch this Yoga How-to video to learn how to do the double pigeon pose. This popular pose is also known as the firelog or yin box pose. Open up your hip muscles with yin yoga by practicing the double pigeon pose.

How To : Do Nine Different Types of the Yoga Down Dog Pose

Ah, the down dog. If you're a yoga aficionado, you either love it or you hate it. Either way you've done it millions and millions of times. Every day. But did you know there are also infinite variations of the prototypal yoga pose? Watch this video to learn nine ways to modif ...more

How To : Do a yoga heart gate pose

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a heart gate yoga pose. Make sure you are warmed up before you come into this exercise, so you won't pull a muscle. Begin in a basic side angle pose, starting in warrior 2. Now, take the right elbow onto the right thigh and sweep ...more

How To : Do a yoga flying crow pose arm balance

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a flying crow pose arm balance in yoga. After you are warmed up, start in a semi squat position with your right angle over your left thigh. Now, bring your hands together in front of your heart and bring your elbows to the front o ...more

How To : Do split pose stretches for yoga

The splits are hot, but Dina has a long way to go and begs for your help. Watch this video to learn how to do stretches that help open your hip flexors and hamstrings to increase your yoga skills.

How To : Do a yoga resting crocodile pose

In order to do the resting crocodile pose, you will need to lie on your stomach. Separate your legs. Space your legs greater than hip distance apart. Your toes should be pointed. Cross your arms. Your arms and chest should form a triangle with the floor as the base. Rest your ...more

How To : Do a yoga durnit squat pose

In this video tutorial, we learn how to do a durnit squat with Dina Priost. This is a great hip opening pose, but it does put a strain on the hips, so avoid if you have hip problems. First, bring your feet a little wider than your hips and squat into the pose. You can also sit ...more

How To : Do a yoga bharadvajasana twist pose

In this video tutorial, we learn how to do a classic feel good twist with Dina Priost. Begin seated with your knee bent and your feet over to the left side. Your right hand should be just behind you on the floor. Next, turn your torso to the right side and then turn your neck ...more

How To : Do a dolphin pose for a yoga headstand

Tips for yoga head stands! Learn how to do the dolphin pose for yoga headstand. Our yoga instructor shows you these traditional poses and stretches. Do a dolphin pose for a yoga headstand - Part 1 of 12. Click through to watch this video on Do a dolphin pose ...more

How To : Do a yoga forward flying pose with a partner

Partner Yoga is a unique physical and spiritual practice which combines powerful techniques and exercises from yoga. Partner yoga uses poses (asanas) to focus the mind and increase strength, stamina and flexibility. The poses are combined with breathing techniques (prananyams) ...more

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