Body to Body Massage

How To : Replace your bike's freehub body

If you've found out that your cassette cluster is loose or is getting stiff, it may be time to replace your freehub body. In order to do this you'll need to make sure you have all the right replacement parts and 10mm allen key. Before attempting to do this, you'll also need t ...more

How To : Do a cross body lead 180 in salsa dancing

In this tutorial, learn one of the basic salsa steps with a flair. This is the cross body lead 180 and it will have you flipping and spinning your partner around like a pro. So, follow along and copy these steps and get ready to strut your stuff on the dance floor. Do a cross ...more

How To : Strengthen your upper body with shoulder push ups

Learn how to do shoulder push up. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits If you can already do full handstand push-ups, you probably already have rippling shoulder muscles. If you can't, don't despair, because you can build up to handstand push-ups using t ...more

How To : Do a body roll step in hip hop dance for kids

Kids... it's dance time! Check out this dance video tutorial on how to do a body roll step in hip hop dance for kids. This dance lesson features a hip-hop dance step taught by Caroline from "So You Think You Can Dance Canada". The girls learn the step which contains a body ro ...more

How To : Make organic sore-muscle body soak

In this instructional video, Better TV shows you how to go green with your beauty routine by making your own organic sore-muscle soak. To make this body soak, you will need the following: Epsom salt, baking soda, chamomile, juniper berries, cedar tips, sage, lemon balm, pepper ...more

How To : Draw the male upper body (torso, chest and arms)

Drawing human subjects can be tough if you're not an experienced artist. getting every detail just right it quite a task, because of the intricateness of the human body. But Merrill is going to show you how it's done. This drawing tutorial provides step-by-step instructions t ...more

How To : Create a free website from scratch

You can create a free website using HTML. HTML is hyper text mark up language. Create a folder "my webpage" with all of the images and information for the webpage. Use notepad to write the HTML for the website. Notepad plus is the best which can be found on Sourceforge. Open t ...more

How To : Model a basic character in 3D Studio MAX

So you finally shelled out for 3D Studio MAX. Congratulations. Now you need to make something with it! This video for beginners will walk you through the basics of modeling a character in 3D Studio MAX. It covers setting up a reference image (the one from the video is here), c ...more

How To : Tone abs with a wood-chopper exercise

The "wood-chopper" isn't just for lumberjacks. You can get the full woodsman workout yourself, without the axe! Men's Health shows you how to do the wood-chopper exercise, and when you power through this move, your upper and lower body, along with your core muscles, are workin ...more

How To : Climb steep rock walls in rock climbing

Adopting a style that favours the body's stronger muscles is important when climbing. On steep rock, the most effective way to increase your performance may well be to change the way you climb. When climbing slabs and vertical walls it is not uncommon to be face-on much of th ...more

How To : Do stability ball center and oblique situps

Learn how to do stability ball center and oblique situps. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Starting Position Sit on a stability ball with your feet on the floor in front of you hip-width apart. Lie back on the stability ball so that your body is supported bet ...more

How To : Create a sexy Poison Ivy costume for Halloween

Before Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan there was the original "Batman" with with George Clooney as the masked hero and Uma Thurman as the villainous Poison Ivy. While the movie is ranked as one of the worst superhero flicks of all time, Uma Thurman's getup was probably on ...more

How To : Swim efficiently with Natalie Coughlin

Natalie Coughlin's strength and motivating voice guide you through 60 minutes of lap madness. iSWIM is broken into 3 20-minute sections: Warm up and drilling, an aerobic set, and sprints and cool down. Each workout includes freestyle, backstroke and kicking drills. Natalie's c ...more

How To : Get Six Pack Abs

The abdominals can be considered one of the best signals of fitness and strength and is one of the most sought-after muscle groups to develop by both men and women. While the abdominals are very desirable, it can be one of the most difficult areas to distinguish and maintain. ...more

How To : Perform the sliding 360 on a surfboard

Surfing: Hang Ten The ocean is a force of nature that refuses any effort to tame it. To throw one's self on the mercy of this beast is a courageous act. With the help of this trick guide, you can learn to harness that power and push your water-borne adventures to new heights. ...more

How To : Do stability ball skiers

Learn how to do stability ball skiers. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits This abdominal exercise is about maintaining strength and control throughout a twisting motion. Your shoulder endurance will also come into play during this one as you are forced ...more

How To : Improve your spins in dance

Component 1. Frame And Posture. The benefits of dance shoes never outweigh the benefits of proper spin technique. Your body should be straight lower abs and stomach should be tight. Your arms are in proper position. If you lift your hand it should be in 90 degree angle. Comp ...more

How To : Do down dog waves to open up the shoulder and back

The Down Dog yoga pose is so popular that people who have never done yoga before generally know what it entails. But despite how classic the move is and its practice in every yoga studio, lots of people still get the move wrong, over extending the shoulders backward. So how d ...more

How To : Do ultrawide pushups for a big chest

In this tutorial, we learn how to do ultra wide pushups for a big chest. A basic pushup can be way too easy if you are an experienced body builder, but you can do different variations to strengthen your body further. First, get down on the ground and place your arms much wider ...more

How To : Practice yoga for detox

Sadie Nardini teaches you a whole body strength and detox yoga sequence for cleansing and energizing your body. Part 1 of 2 - How to Practice yoga for detox. Part 2 of 2 - How to Practice yoga for detox.

How To : Detect Melanoma early

This video shows how to check yourself for the early signs of Melanoma. Check your body for moles or freckles that don't look like others on your body, sores that don't heal after 4 weeks, or a mole that changes over time.

How To : Determine how many reps of exercises you should do

So you've finally created a nice body-toning workout that consists of all the exercise your body needs to burn calories and stay slim: Push-ups, bicycle crunches, thigh lifts, lateral arm lifts, and shoulder presses. But then arises the second biggest problem after figuring ou ...more

How To : Do landmines with a barbell

Learn how to do landmines with a barbell. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits They don't call them landmines for nothing. You'll need an explosive motion to swing an Olympic bar from one side of your body to the other, giving you a full body workout that ...more

How To : Snorkel

Why the Love? Every one has a reason for loving something. Mine was that it was the only thing I had. That one sure thing. I loved it because I had nothing, and it cost me nothing. At times I had no idea what was going to happen to me, or where I was going to be. The shore is ...more

How To : Check yourself for breast cancer

This video is a film that was made to educate women in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Middle East in general to get them to think about the subject of breast cancer and how to check yourself for signs of breast cancer. This is a highly senstive and taboo subject in tha ...more

How To : Tone legs with a hang-clean to squat to push-press

Check out this leg workout exercise, called the "hang-clean to front-squat to push-press". This exercise from Men's Health is a combination of three great compound exercises, so you can imagine, most muscles in your body will be working on this one -- an all-over body workout. ...more

How To : Replace the LCD Screen on an LG KF600 Cell Phone

Introduction In this article you will find instructions to replace a broken LCD screen of a LG KF600 phone. To execute these steps a new replacement LCD should be bought beforehand. Stores that sell replacement KF600 LCD screen can be found on the Internet. These instructions ...more

How To : Tone legs with a barbell squat exercise

Find out how to tone your legs with help from Men's Health. In this video, learn the "barbell squat" exercise, which will work your lower body and core muscles. It's a great leg workout. Place a bar-bell at chest height in a squat rack. Grab the bar with an overhand grip slig ...more

How To : Get rid of cramps in 10 Minutes easy and proven

Dale Warner shows us how to get rid of PMS cramps in about 10 minutes. It's an easy, natural, effective and free approach. When it's that time of month, the bloating and cramping can be serious. This solution only takes about 10 minutes to practice. He uses a Jin Shin Jyutsu ...more

How To : Do weighted stability ball crunches

Learn how to do weighted stability ball crunches. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits Doing crunches on the stability ball works your abs with a wider range of motion than you can get with a floor crunch; adding a weight plate behind your head increases ...more

How To : Do exercises to strengthen your core for swimming

The core of your body - your abs, obliques, and the muscle that goes around your midsection like a corset - is what holds your entire body together when you're performing tasks like lifting groceries, doing push ups, and even just sitting at your desk. Strengthen your core wi ...more

How To : Draw basic figures for fashion design sketches

Consider a normal and ideal height for a girl in 5feet 8inches in height. The book of Andrew Loomis is a good guide for drawing realistic human figures. It explains the body proportions, techniques, drawing the parts, human movements, and poses of the body. These are the impor ...more

How To : Do a dumbbell freestyle swim stroke drop set

Learn how to do a dumbbell freestyle swim stroke drop set. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits The dumbbell freestyle swim stroke exercise mimics freestyle swimming to strengthen the shoulders in general and the rotator cuffs in particular. Adding a dro ...more

How To : Reduce anxiety using yoga with Tara Stiles

Tara Stiles teaches us how to reduce anxiety using yoga in this video. You can do this any time of the day, and it will help you relax and have some time for yourself. Start by sitting up against a flat surface, and rest your hands on your knees. Close your eyes for a few minu ...more

How To : Do the "samurai chop" runner's workout

To do the samurai chop grab a medicine ball with both hands. Put your feet adjacent to each other (keep them very close). Lift the medicine ball up and to the left of your body. Then bring it down and to the right of your body. After this you can do it on the others side, up t ...more

How To : Get in shape with swimming

Get in shape and tone your body by getting in that pool for a swim! There's nothing better for your body than swimming and there are numerous techniques and avenues for the swimmer who wants to get in better shape. In this video, get expert tips and advice on how to get in sha ...more

How To : Tone abs with a negative crunch exercise

Even thought this exercise has the word negative in it, doesn't mean it isn't good. Men's Health shows you exactly how to do the "negative crunch" exercise, where you need to lean backwards into a 45º angle and work your abs. Sit with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ...more

How To : Do a standing full (backflip 360) freerun trick

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a standing full (360 back-flip). Before attempting this trick, it is highly recommended that users have mastered a back-flip. Make sure that you can see he ground in mid-air. Bring your feet together and bend the arms back. Bend ...more

How To : Do a beginner 20 minute workout with Joel Harper

Lose weight and tone up by following this 20 minute beginner workout daily. Joel Harper and his assistant Michelle demonstrate how to loosen up your body by doing various stretches. The more you warm your body up the better of a workout you will have. You can hold the poses sh ...more

How To : Improve Your Shooting Ability For Soccer

Shooting technique: Locking your ankle and pointing your toes down when striking the ball is probably the most important factor in developing the proper shooting technique. It is probably the hardest skill to learn in soccer, but not anymore because I am here to guide you thro ...more

How To : Pull a stoppie trick on a sport bike

Let's face it, stoppies on sport bikes are cool because they're basically a backwards wheelie, but what makes them work are three simple things. Body positioning; you have to rock your body forward. Brake modulation; the fancy way of squeezing the brakes of your motorcycle. Re ...more

How To : Work your chest with medicine ball chest passes

Learn how to do medicine ball chest passes. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits The medicine ball chest pass allows for dynamic chest work, as you push the ball away in a toss and control its momentum on the catching phase. In this exercise, you progres ...more

How To : Do a low single cable squat power cross punch

Learn how to do a low single cable squat power cross punch. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits Squat, twist and punch. Squat, twist and punch. This combination exercise works the legs and the shoulders by combining one of the greatest leg exercises—the ...more

How To : Do the splits with Tara Stiles

Tara Stiles teaches us how to do the splits in this tutorial. Remember not to do this all at once, stretch out your body first. To start, come into a downward dog position while bending the knees and straightening them and deep breathing. Now, bring a foot to the front and kee ...more

How To : Strengthen your biceps with standing cable curls

Learn how to do standing cable curls. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits Isolate and build! Using the cable machine to work your biceps ensures you maintain resistance on both the curl up and return. Muscles Worked Biceps Starting Position Attach the ...more

How To : Do medicine ball situps on a stability ball

Learn how to do medicine Ball situps on stability ball. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits Doing abdominal work on the stability ball is great because it allows your abs to flex and move within the full range of motion. The unstable surface of the stab ...more

How To : Do a floor bridge hold

Learn how to do a floor bridge hold. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits The floor bridge hold is an excellent core-strengthening exercise. Starting position In a prone position (face down), position yourself on the tips of your toes and elbows so that ...more

How To : Do alternate hand kiss wide grip pull ups

Learn how to do alternate hand kiss wide grip pull ups. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits Show yourself a little love with this pull-up that ends with a "kiss" to the back of your hand. This kiss is the reward for the extra hard work your lats will ne ...more

How To : Strengthen you back with lower back extensions

Learn how to do lower back extensions. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits This exercise isolates and strengthens the often-neglected lower back muscles. Muscles Worked Lower back Starting Position Lie face downward on the back extension machine. Your ...more

How To : Do alternate stepback lunges with a plate twist

Learn how to do step back lunges with a plate twist. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits Strengthen the stability of your core and your hips as you give your legs a workout. Using a weight plate and body twist adds an intense edge to the classic lunge. ...more

How To : Do breakdance push ups

Learn how to do break dance push ups. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits This exercise channels the breakdancer's combination of strength, agility, and balance. Starting Position Begin in a standard push-up, or plank, position. You should be face down ...more

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