
How To : Make pork chops with apples

To begin preparations of making this fine dish, first you must gather the ingredients as shown in the video. Then, you combine your dry ingredients which is three tablespoons of brown sugar (you may use white sugar as a substitute), a half (1/2) teaspoon of cinnamon and a quar ...more

How To : Make "drunken" grilled bone pork chops

This is a video demonstrating how to make drunken grilled pork chops. It requires one cup of beer, 1/8 cup of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of ginger, and 1 tablespoon of packed brown sugar. The ingredients are combined in a bowl and stirred lightly with a whisk. Two large pork chops ...more

How To : Chop an onion correctly

Onions can lend a sweet distinct undertone to many soups, sauces, and stews. However, they can be difficult to cut if you are unfamiliar with the technique.

How To : Tone abs with a medicine ball chop exercise

Men's Health is the perfect place to get workout advice for toning your abs. The "medicine ball chop" exercise will work all of your muscles as you rotate and move through the full range of movement, giving a great abs workout. Stand holding a medicine ball with your arms str ...more

How To : Prepare two chopped ham salads

In this how to video Chef Paul demonstrates a few secrets to delicious chopped ham recipes. Watch and learn how to mix two distinctly different chopped ham salads. Add chutney, Italian seasoning, pepper sauce, mayo and any other of your favorite flavors.

How To : Make chopped liver

A rich, velvety Jewish dish, made with fried chicken livers, wine and fried onions. Sample this Chopped Liver recipe today. Make chopped liver. Click through to watch this video on

How To : Make a great chopped salad

Salad is a common side dish that goes well with any meal. It not only provides needed greens to the body, but can be made in a variety of different fashions. So, in this tutorial, you'll find out how to make a great chopped salad for you and your family to enjoy. It's easy to ...more

How To : Make grilled pork chops

Marinate your pork chops before grilling to really make them tender and flavorful. Your family won’t be disappointed when they sit down to a dinner of hot chops just off the grill, so fire up the grill and get started. These marinated pork chops are delicious with a hint of c ...more

HowTo : Eat Berries in the Wilderness

DO NOT eat a berry if you cannot identify it. I decided not to include the obvious blueberries, blackberries and raspberries, but this guide will assist you in identifying which wild berries are, in fact, poisonous. The best way to stay safe when looking for berries is keepin ...more

How To : Make a DIY Roasting Rack for Your Turkey

One of the golden rules to cooking a Thanksgiving turkey is to place it on a roasting rack before it goes into the oven. Missing this step and cooking it directly on the pan will burn the bottom of the bird, resulting in overcooked, dry meat. Don't Miss: Unlock Your Oven's Se ...more

How To : 9 Ways to Cut an Onion Without Shedding Tears

Is it possible to cut or chop onions in the kitchen without stinging eyes and looking as if you just watched the saddest movie ever? Before we get to that answer, it's important to know why we tear up when cutting raw onions in the first place. What is this irritant? Are you r ...more

How To : Make Your Own Charcoal

Hello, all. In this article, I will be showing you how to make one of the most useful products known to man. I am talking, of course, about charcoal. You might be surprised at just how many uses this stuff has. You can use it to purify your drinking water, replace your aquari ...more

How To : Juice Without a Juicer

There is very little in this world that tastes as good as a glass of fresh-pressed juice. The flavors in fruit and vegetables are more clean and immediate on your palate, while the chlorophyll and nutrients seem to zip right into your bloodstream. A really great glass of fresh ...more

How To : Keep Garlic from Sticking to Your Hands & Knife

It's a shame that one of the world's tastiest foods can be such a pain to prep. Most cooks are familiar with this conundrum: chopping or crushing garlic releases a pungent liquid that causes bits of garlic to stick your knife and hands, creating a messy affair. So what is goin ...more

How To : Make Indian butter milk from curd

Sanjay Thumma teaches the secret of making north and south Indian buttermilk from curd. For the south Indian type finely chop down some green chilies, curry leaves, coriander and a crushed piece of ginger. Use some roasted cumin and roll it down to powder it as shown. Blend a ...more

How To : 5 Must-Know Kitchen Hacks for Cooking Spray

Cooking spray is something of a gross necessity. The slimy, oddly-scented grease is perfect for keeping casserole dishes crust-free, but the oil splatter does a number on clean kitchen counters, and the lecithin ingredient can ruin nonstick cookware if not careful. Despite th ...more

How To : Dry basil and tarragon without them turning brown

Drying herbs using this method works well for herbs like basil, mint and tarragon. Herbs that don't have the fleshy body like sage Drying herbs like tarragon can be a bit trickier than fleshy herbs like sage. Tarragon is said to be great for your blood pressure and is a wonder ...more

How To : Apply hair to a fondant head

It's a little known fact that fondant men too face male pattern baldness. Luckily, bakers aware of this sad issue have created fondant toupes to solve this ever-growing (or un-growing) problem. Watch this video to give your fondant man his confidence back with some shiny, bea ...more

How To : Make Your Own DIY Lipstick Out of Crayola Crayons

You probably shouldn't ever eat Crayola crayons, but you can definitely chop them up into tiny pieces, melt them over boiling water with coconut oil and olive oil, pour into an empty contact lens case and use the final congealed product as lipstick for your lips. Yes, it reall ...more

How To : 5 Unconventional Uses for Leftover Cookie Dough

While I frown upon any form of uneaten cookie, sometimes we overestimate our late-night cravings for baked goods leaving us with extra cookie dough at 4 a.m. If you're in the privileged dilemma of not having enough excess dough to make another batch of cookies but just enough ...more

How To : Make Vodka Mojitos

This is a simple twist on the classic mojito cocktail, but instead of rum, I used Vodka. Because I like mojitos on the sour side, I added extra lime juice compared to what a classic mojito recipe calls for (about a 1/4 cup more). This drink also calls for freshly made mint inf ...more

How To : Make Money in RuneScape (for Non-Members)

Are you bankrupt or all tied up for money? Do you want a very easy way to make money in RuneScape? If so, you are reading the right article! If you're a non-member, then read this. Making Money by Combat To make money with combat, you should attack the following creatures: ...more

Herb Slapping : You've Gotta Get Physical for More Flavor

Fresh herbs can be delicate, and it's not always easy to figure out how to cut, crush, or muddle them to make the most of their flavors. Get too rough, and you have a bunch of bruised and muddy-tasting herbs, which is due to too much chlorophyll being released. Don't do enough ...more

How To : Laminate stairs

In this tutorial, we learn how to laminate stairs. First, you will need to grab your laminate and measure out the stairs. Then, cut out the nosing to the stairs. After this, you will need to cut out the laminate with a chop saw to place it on the front of the stairs so it look ...more

How To : Fake a bob haircut by tucking your hair under

Have you ever wondered how you would look with shorter hair? What about how you would look with a bob, or a lob (long bob) that's recently been worn by A-list starlets like Gwyneth Paltrow and Eva Longoria? Well, thankfully you don't need to chop your precious long locks off t ...more

How To : Why You Should Be Making Your Own Spices at Home

In my opinion, spices are the key to a successful kitchen. With a healthy array of spices and spice mixes, you have the foundation for nearly any dish that you want to make; the culinary world is your oyster. With a depleted cupboard of spices, however, nearly every recipe loo ...more

How To : Preserve & Dry Your Own Garden-Fresh Herbs at Home

Using fresh herbs can make a huge difference in almost any dish, but they're not always available everywhere. Depending on where you live, you can't always get them during the colder months. Personally, the problem I run into the most is not being able to use fresh herbs befor ...more

How To : Make Bourbon-Spiked Chili

Meat and bourbon is a delicious marriage—whether it's bacon-infused bourbon or bourbon drenched steaks, or perhaps the most ingenious combination of all: bourbon-spiked chilli. The hint of bourbon is subtle, but it packs just enough punch to set this delicious chili apart in ...more

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