
Writing a Windows 10 Rootkit : Part 1

So this is my methodology for this project of writing a rootkit. Please leave feedback on what is right/wrong. I tried to simplify concepts the best I could however... One needs an deep understanding of how different types of processors work and how memory protection is imple ...more

How To : Exploit Development-Everything You Need to Know

Step 1: What Exploit Development Is and Why Should I Be Interested on About This Topic An exploit is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or a sequence of commands that takes advantage of a bug or vulnerability in order to cause unintended or unanticipated behavior to occur ...more

How To : Fake Smiles Are Bad for You & Here’s Why

Can you tell when someone is shooting you a fake smile? Even though fake smiles are easy enough to see through, we all still do it, attempting to show others just how happy we are when we're really feeling less than fantastic. Unfortunately, every smile we fake makes us a tiny ...more

How To : Stop Notifications from Interrupting Your Music

There are few things more annoying in life than getting interrupted—especially when you're in a groove, jamming out to your favorite song. If we can all agree on that sentiment, then why is it that our phones mute the music we're listening to for a few seconds whenever a notif ...more

News : Making Ordinary Objects Extraordinary

Kevin Van Aelst creates witty visual "one-liners" by recontextualizing everyday, ordinary objects. With a few simple tweaks, the viewer recognizes a roll of tape as the ocean or reads gummi worms as chromosomes or understands mitosis through the use of sweet, sugary donuts. F ...more

Camera Plus Pro : The iPhone Camera App That Does it All

Even with Apple's forthcoming iOS 5 updates to its default camera application, those upcoming features can't match what already exists in Global Delight's Camera Plus Pro. For $1.99, Camera Plus Pro provides users with over 100 tools for every part of the picture taking proces ...more

How To : Display Text in Minecraft Using Redstone

Ever wanted to display text in Minecraft? It's actually not overly difficult. In this tutorial, I will endeavor to guide you through the process between storing and displaying text from memory. To do this, we will examine two different methods of displaying and storing text in ...more

News : Old School Science Models

LIFE magazine has posted a gallery of bizarrely wonderful old school scientific models. Don't miss the giant fetus or massive colon (double ew). Behold, science education before computers ruled our world. A girl scout leans in to take a closer look at an enclosed model of the ...more

News : Why Are There So Many Airship Pirates in Steampunk?

With this article, I'll be continuing the series I started with my recent plague doctor article. That is, examining tropes that may at first appear to not fit into Steampunk. Obviously the airship pirate never existed in real life, as we never really experienced the age of ai ...more

How To : Test and check yourself for testicular cancer

Dr Chris Steele of The Family GP demonstrates how to properly examine your testicles for cancer. This shows how to carry out a testicular examination. Testicular cancer is a young man's disease, occurring frequently in men aged 19-35.

How To : Take Control of Sonos IoT Devices with Python

Many popular IoT devices have terrible security. For instance, a hacker who's on the same Wi-Fi network as a Sonos speaker can assume direct control over the device's behavior. If an IoT device doesn't secure the messages used to control it over a network, it's easy for somebo ...more

How To : Perform a general abdominal exam on a patient

Any patient with pain in the abdominal area will require you to perform an abdominal examination, and this video lesson outlines in great detail, how to perform a general abdomen exam. This is great for any medical student or up-and-coming doctor — even nursing students could ...more

How To : Texture in 3ds Max

The third dimension has finally arrived to internet browsing! Be sure to catch the wave of innovation with this series of tutorials. Initially, we'll be examining the importance of texturing basic 3D objects. Watch as the almost magical effects of texturing in 3ds Max transfor ...more

How To : Spell words in cursive handwriting

Typically taught during the elementary school years, cursive writing builds on the letter formation of block letters or printing. The pencil doesn’t leave the paper in cursive writing and letters flow together. If you don't know how to do this, check out this video tutorial. L ...more

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