Losing Belly Fat

How To : Lose baby weight like a celebrity

Sure, they have personal trainers and chefs to help them shed their postpartum pounds. But here are a few of their other secret weapons. Step 1 Keep hard-boiled eggs in your fridge and eat just the white part whenever you’re hungry. This strategy helped Heidi Klum appear on t ...more

How To : Tone your body during your commute

Lose weight while sitting on the bus, train, or in your car with these stealthy moves. You Will Need * Isometric exercises * Walking WARNING: Never drive and exercise at the same time; only do these moves when stopped at red lights, or as a passenger. Check with your doctor ...more

How To : Curb your appetite naturally

It's hard to lose weight if you're always hungry. Reduce food cravings naturally with these tips. Watch this video to learn how to curb your appetite naturally. You Will Need * Peppermint oil * Eight hours sleep per night * A high-fiber diet * Aerobic exercise * Foods that f ...more

How To : Grill the perfect tender & juicy steak

Before you throw your next steak on the barbecue, see what grilling experts do to ensure that it turns out tender and juicy. Watch this video to learn how to grill the perfect steak. Step 1. Start with a clean grill Clean the inside of your grill and the grate with soap, a b ...more

News : 10 Ways to Lose Weight Using an iPhone

Sounds like a false promise à la infomercial or typical spammy web headline—how can a 4.8 ounce gadget aid in weight loss? But, in truth, "who" better to act as a dedicated personal trainer and nutritionalist than the iPhone? The smartphone is completely and utterly tethered t ...more

News : Ten foods to eat for clear, acne-free skin - part 2

Welcome back to the two-part series of Ten foods to eat for clear, acne-free skin. Check out part 1 here. As any good dermatologist and aesthetician will tell you, beauty begins from the inside. In a healthy skin diet, the quality of the calories you eat matters more than any ...more

How To : Give Yourself Room to Think in Two Easy Steps

Yes it’s the 21st century and yes, everyone’s busy, everyone’s connected. Accept it. Move on. Be happy. DON’T BUY INTO THE HYPE—literally and figuratively. I’m here to tell you that YOU do not need all the ‘stuff’ that bogs you down or all the unnecessary information that doe ...more

News : Ten foods to eat for clear, acne-free skin - part 1

You can blame your naggy mom, a crappy soap bar, and school or work stress for your acne. But ultimately, you should blame yourself. While it's true that your skin type (oily vs. dry vs. sensitive) and how your skin reacts to stress play a big part in blemishes, there is a nur ...more

HowTo : Roast a Pig on a Spit

Why settle on just pork chops or ribs when you can string up the entire pig? Serious Eats posts an great slide show on roasting a whole pig, from materials to the process to the perfect pig roastin' sauce. Warnings PETA members should probably exit this page right about now. ...more


Via WonderHowTo World, SCRABBLE: Dirty SCRABBLE. Everybody likes to play dirty, but we're not talking bluffing with fake words or closing up the board—we're talking actual "dirty" and offensive words. Despite the exclusion of offensive words in the bowdlerized Official SCRAB ...more


Dirty SCRABBLE. Everybody likes to play dirty, but we're not talking bluffing with fake words or closing up the board—we're talking actual "dirty" and offensive words. Despite the exclusion of offensive words in the bowdlerized Official SCRABBLE Players Dictionary (OSPD), the ...more

How To : Lose weight and gain muscle with quinoa

In this video author introduces a new grain called quinoa which is considered very healthy and has good nutrition values. Quinoa is rich and proteins and fibers and low in fat. It is Excellent food for muscle builders and someone trying to lose weight. Quinoa basically is tast ...more

How To : Lose Weight The Correct & Healthy Way

Obesity has ballooned into a worldwide epidemic. The World Health Organization estimates that 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and 700 million will be obese by 2015. Over 20 million children are overweight today. The reasons for these distressing figures are common knowle ...more

News : The Peeper Creeper

Johnny or whoever plans on bringing home a girl. Unknown to the girl, one of the fat crew members of JackAss is hiding in the closet of the room where the couple are getting to know eachother just a little bit better ;). The Fat guy is wielding a box of tissues and a giant bot ...more

How To : Keep warm sleeping in the forest

You know your going to have to sleep outside and you don’t know how to stave off the chill of the night. With the right equipment, some layering techniques and a full belly you be sure to get a good nights sleep even if it’s cold out. Don’t let the cold keep you indoors – lea ...more

How To : Cope With The Death of a Loved One

The Funny Thing About Dying - A Story of Coping With Loss I remember once as a kid someone fake-punched me in the nose. This older kid hauled off with his fist and pulled the punch just shy of ruining some great and prominent Italian cartilage in the making. Somehow I stood ...more

How To : 7 Tips for Making the Best Burgers Ever

Summer's coming, and that means burger season. Okay, never mind... every season is burger season. Burgers are universally loved; they're the one meal you can find at numerous fast food shacks and haute cuisine spots. Don't Miss: Secret Tricks for Tender, Juicy Burgers Every T ...more

How To : Make Beautiful, Insta-Worthy Buddha Bowls

The yogis of the internet have started a wonderful food trend that has everyone wanting to eat healthy—gorgeous buddha bowls. Okay, so maybe not everyone, but a lot of people are definitely entranced by these beautiful, multicolored meals. Buddha bowls, also known as rainbow ...more

How To : Find Your Lost Cat

When your cat goes missing, chances are it's just chilling in a cozy spot under the couch, or maybe even hiding from you. So it's okay to not freak out just yet. Cats love to hide as if they're spiders, and even their hiding spots are similar. You can find them in corners, on ...more

How To : Beef Up Your Recipes with Beef Salt

Beef: it's what for dinner. And if you really like the taste of it, it can be what you season the rest of your dinner with, too. My favorite food hacks are the ones that not only make cooking easier or cooler, but more flavorful as well. That's why I was pretty excited when I ...more

How To : 8 Tips to Help You Become a MyFitnessPal Pro

If you're new to MyFitnessPal, it might seem daunting. The app is way more than just a calorie counter, but that's because getting fit is just as much about changing your lifestyle as it is about watching what you eat. So don't let it overwhelm you — there are just a handful o ...more

News : How a Vaccine Could Protect Florida's Orange Trees

A disease called "citrus greening" has devastated and permanently altered citrus production in the United States, but a vaccine that could protect orange trees may be part of a winning strategy to beat the bacteria that is killing the trees. Citrus greening, also known as Hua ...more

How To : 5 Amazing Ways to Bake with Coconut Oil

I remember the first time I used coconut oil; the whole kitchen was filled with a fragrant aroma that reminded me of the tropics. After learning it was a healthier alternative to traditional cooking oil—not to mention a great source of the good-for-you saturated fat—I was hook ...more

Trash Talk : 5 Food Scraps You Should Not Be Throwing Away

A few years ago I went hog-wild trying to achieve a zero-waste lifestyle. I didn't succeed, but the experiment taught me that we throw away things we could—and should—be using more. In ye olde days of our forefathers, people generally used every part of the animal in cooking. ...more

Cook for Garlic & Onion Haters : Alternatives & Substitutes

Hard as it is to imagine, there are people out there who loathe garlic and onions. Some might have allergies or medical conditions like IBS, or are supertasters (i.e. people who carry a certain gene that makes them extremely sensitive to how certain foods taste). Others might ...more

How To : How & Why Fasting Can Boost Your Immune System

Fasting—or the practice of regularly abstaining from ingesting anything except water—is a pretty drastic move. I tried to fast for two days and made it to the 12-hour mark, which is when I broke down and ate a quart of ice cream. However, I may have to try it again, since "sh ...more

How To : 5 Easy Ways to Speed Up a Lagging Android Phone

All phones (yes, iPhones too) slow down over time. As your device gets bogged down by various apps and you begin to run out of storage, it's just an inevitability. That doesn't make it any less frustrating ... I mean, is there anything more annoying than a slow phone? My answe ...more

How To : 5 Reasons You Shouldn't Trust TV Doctors

With the countless daytime talk shows starring and featuring doctors, nurses, and other medical specialists, discovering new ways to live a healthy life is just a remote click away. Although their shows might draw you in with incredible facts and mind-blowing secrets to weight ...more

News : 11 Awesome Features Siri Gained in iOS 12 for iPhone

Since its humble beginnings on the iPhone 4S, Siri has come a long way. While each iteration of iOS sees new features for the iPhone assistant, iOS 12 offers users some of the best advancements in Siri we've seen in a long time, not the least of which is support for Shortcuts, ...more

How To : 10 Thrifty, Time-Saving Ice Cube Tray Food Hacks

Stop! Do not pour that leftover wine, coffee, or bacon grease down the drain. And those herbs that have been in your fridge so long they've literally turned on you? And what about when that recipe only calls for two tablespoons of heavy cream, a quarter cup of tomato purée, or ...more

How To : 11 Fun & Useful Facts About Java

Coffee! It's so amazing that J.S. Bach wrote a comic opera about caffeine addiction. Meanwhile, more than half of Americans 18 years or older start their day with a cup of the hot stuff. Most of us take coffee for granted, but it's a bean that can surprise you. Read on to unde ...more

Ingredients 101 : Buying, Grinding, & Tempering Spices

The world of spices can be bewildering. They promise to make your food more flavorful if you know how to make the most of them. Unless you know a couple of essential tricks, however, it just seems like you're adding bits of colored powder to your food. Most cooks buy a few bo ...more

How To : 12 Food Hacks for Perfect French Toast, Every Time

French toast is one of those things that everybody kind of knows how to make, but few people know how to do really well. And while the dish originally does hail from France (its original name, pain perdu, means lost or wasted bread), it has become a beloved American breakfast ...more

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